Upgrading DB from 2.0
If installing Azkaban from scratch, you can ignore this document. This is only for those who are upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1. The update_2.0_to_2.1.sql needs to be run to alter all the tables. This includes several table alterations and a new table.
Here are the changes:
- Alter execution_jobs table
- add int column 'attempt'
- change primary key to (exec_id, job_id, attempt)
- add index for (exec_id, job_id)
- Alter execution_logs table
- add int column 'attempt'
- add bigint column 'upload_time'
- default upload_time to current time in millisec
- change primary key to (exec_id, name, attempt, start_byte)
- add index for (exec_id, name, attempt)
- Alter schedules table
- Add tinyint column 'enc_type'
- Add longblob column 'schedule_options'
- Alter project_events table
- Modify 'message' column to be 512 characters
- Alter projects table
- add tinyint column enc_type
- add longblob column projects
- Create new table active_sla