Executing Flow
From the Flow View or the Project Page, you can trigger a job to be executed. You will see an executing panel pop-up.
Executing Flow View
From the Flow View panel, you can right click on the graph and disable or enable jobs. Disabled jobs will be skipped during execution as if their dependencies have been met. Disabled jobs will appear translucent.
Notification Options
The notification options allow users to change the flow's success or failure notification behavior.
Notify on Failure
- First Failure - Send failure emails after the first failure is detected.
- Flow Finished - If the flow has a job that has failed, it will send failure emails after all jobs in the flow have finished.
Email overrides
Azkaban will use the default notification emails set in the final job in the flow. If overridden, a user can change the email addresses where failure or success emails are sent. The list can be delimited by commas, whitespace or a semi-colon.
Failure Options
When a job in a flow fails, you are able to control how the rest of the flow will succeed.
- Finish Current Running will finish the jobs that are currently running, but it will not start new jobs. The flow will be put in the FAILED FINISHING state and be set to FAILED once everything completes.
- Cancel All will immediately kill all running jobs and set the state of the executing flow to FAILED.
- Finish All Possible will keep executing jobs in the flow as long as its dependencies are met. The flow will be put in the FAILED FINISHING state and be set to FAILED once everything completes.
Concurrent Options
If the flow execution is invoked while the flow is concurrently executing, several options can be set.
- Skip Execution option will not run the flow if its already running.
- Run Concurrently option will run the flow regardless of if its running. Executions are given different working directories.
- Pipeline runs the the flow in a manner that the new execution will not overrun the concurrent execution.
- Level 1 : blocks executing job A until the the previous flow's job A has completed.
- Level 2 : blocks executing job A until the the children of the previous flow's job A has completed. This is useful if you need to run your flows a few steps behind an already executing flow.
Flow Parameters
Allows users to override flow parameters. The flow parameters override properties that jobs inherit from shared files (specified in .properties files), but will not override properties set in the .job file itself.