Built-in Job types

Azkaban allows custom job types to be added as plugins. However it also supplies several built-in job types. On top of the job parameters that can be set, each job type has additional properties that can be used.


Command type of job can be set with type=command. It is a barebones command line executor. Many of the other job types wrap the command job type but constructs their own command lines.

{.parameter}Parameter {.description} Description Required?
command The command line string to execute. i.e. ls -lh yes |
command. n Where n is a sequence of integers (i.e 1,2,3...). Defines additional commands that run in sequential order after the initial command. no |


Java Process

Java process jobs are a convenient wrapper for kicking off Java-based programs. It is equivalent to running a class with a main method from the command line. The following properties are available in javaprocess jobs:

{.parameter}Parameter {.description} Description Required?
java.class The class that contains the main function. {code}i.e azkaban.example.text.HelloWorld{code} yes |
classpath Comma delimited list of jars and directories to be added to the classpath. Default is all jars in the current working directory. no |
Xms The initial memory pool start size. The default is 64M no |
Xmx The initial maximum memory pool size. The default is 256M no |
main.args A list of comma delimited arguments to pass to the java main function no |
jvm.args JVM args. This entire string is passed intact as a VM argument. -Dmyprop=test -Dhello=world no |



A job that takes no parameters and is essentially a null operation. Used for organizing your graph.