Azkaban Executor Server Configurations
Executor Server Properties
{.parameter}Parameter | {.description} Description | {.default}Default | |
executor.port | The port for azkaban executor server | 12321 | | | | A path to the properties that will be the parent for all jobs. | none | | |
azkaban.execution.dir | The folder for executing working directories | executions | | |
azkaban.project.dir | The folder for storing temporary copies of project files used for executions | projects | | |
executor.flow.threads | The number of simulateous flows that can be run. These threads are mostly idle. | 30| | |
job.log.chunk.size | For rolling job logs. The chuck size for each roll over | 5MB | | |
job.log.backup.index | The number of log chunks. The max size of each logs is then the index * chunksize | 4 | | |
flow.num.job.threads | The number of concurrent running jobs in each flow. These threads are mostly idle. | 10 | |
MySQL Connection Parameter
{.parameter}Parameter | {.description} Description | {.default}Default | |
database.type | The database type. Currently, the only database supported is mysql. | mysql | | |
mysql.port | The port to the mysql db | 3306 | | | | The mysql host | localhost | | |
mysql.database | The mysql database | | | |
mysql.user | The mysql user | | | |
mysql.password | The mysql password | | | |
mysql.numconnections | The number of connections that Azkaban web client can open to the database | 100 | |